Disability Buy/Sell Insurance

Two dentists in a business partnership shaking hands.

Preparing Your Practice for the Unexpected

Disability income insurance can provide for you when an injury or illness hinders your ability to work. It does not help you when one of your partners in the practice is disabled long term and you are faced with having to purchase their shares.  For those situations, disability buy/sell insurance may help provide the funds to purchase the disabled partners share of the practice helping to ensure continuation of the practice.

Protecting You, Your Partners, and Your Practice

Protect your investment, the investments of your partners and the value of your business. A buy/sell insurance policy can prepare your practice for the unexpected, with predetermined valuation method(s) for each partner’s share and an agreed upon plan for business continuity.

Explore the policy options available to you and your partners, with the assistance of our experienced team.

dental buy sell insurance

Disability Buy/Sell Insurance at a Glance

  • In the event of a partner’s disability, a buy/sell insurance policy can pay the disabled partner for their share of the practice, dissolving their interests in the business.
  • Since the market value of a practice can be affected by the disability of a partner, buy/sell agreements can set a predetermined valuation method of each partner’s shares.
  • Many plans include a waiting period, known as an elimination period, before disability benefits are paid. This time is set aside for potential recovery from the disabling injury or illness.
  • Plan payouts may be a lump sum or paid over a predetermined period of time.
  • Benefits are paid in accordance with an underlying buy/sell agreement

Explore Disability Buy/Sell Insurance (or other items) With Treloar & Heisel 

Treloar & Heisel offers services and solutions for every stage of your career. For decades, we have specialized in working with dental and medical professionals like you to build solid insurance foundations for solid financial futures. 

About Treloar & Heisel

Treloar & Heisel, an EPIC Company, is a premier financial services provider to medical and dental professionals across the country. We assist thousands of clients from residency to practice and through retirement with a comprehensive suite of financial services, custom-tailored solutions, and a strong national network focused on delivering the highest level of service.

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Start Your Journey With Us

It’s important that your insurance can keep up while your career accelerates. Purchasing disability buy/sell insurance can provide you the peace of mind that your finances and lifestyle are protected now and into the future.

To explore your options, schedule your free consultation today by filling out the form below.


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